You will receive your readiness to date score by email immediately after completing the following ten questions.
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Question 1 of 11
How well have you moved on from past relationships? Select your answer then scroll down and click Next.
I’ve completely moved on and learned from my past.
I’m still working on letting go of the past.
I’m haunted by past relationships and can’t stop thinking about them.
Question 2 of 11
How do you handle conflicts and disagreements?
I communicate openly and try to find solutions.
I have standards so I am unwilling to compromise and find common ground.
I tend to avoid conflict or get easily upset.
Question 3 of 11
Do you have a strong support system of friends and family?
Yes, I have a great support system.
I am a loner and depend only on myself for everything.
I feel isolated and don’t have much support.
Question 4 of 11
How do you feel about your own self-esteem and self-worth?
I feel confident and value myself.
I am financially well-off which makes me confident and secure.
I have low self-esteem and struggle sometimes with self-worth.
Question 5 of 11
Are you financially stable and independent?
I rely financially on others.
Yes, I’m financially stable and independent.
I am hoping to find someone who has enough money then I'll be stable.
Question 6 of 11
Are you willing to be patient and take your time in a new relationship?
Yes, I’m willing to take things slowly.
I want to get into a serious relationship right away.
I think moving slowly and being careful is overrated.
Question 7 of 11
Have you considered what you’re looking for in a potential partner?
I have some specific preferences and I hate surprises.
I haven’t thought much about it.
Yes, I have a clear idea of what I want.
Question 8 of 11
How do you handle rejection or disappointment?
I take it in stride and move on.
I might feel down for a while, but a stiff cocktail picks me right back up.
Rejection or disappointment can deeply affect me.
Question 9 of 11
How would you describe your emotional state right now?
I’m feeling happy and content.
How I feel varies from hour to hour.
I’m still dealing with a lot of emotional baggage.
Question 10 of 11
What is your primary motivation for wanting to date again?
I want to share my life with someone special.
I am looking for new sexual experiences.
I feel pressured by others to start dating.
Question 11 of 11
Please enter your email so we can send your results. Also, please let us know how you heard about Third Act Dating.